Real Property Management Deluxe

Does Your Breezy Point Rental Property Have Unauthorized Residents?

It pays to know each of the individuals who are living in your Breezy Point rental home. Properly screened and approved tenants form the groundwork upon which success stories of rental property investments are built. The problem comes when unauthorized renters move in, placing you and your property in danger for liabilities for which the lease and possibly even your insurance has not thought about. Averting unauthorized residents can be a daunting task, but implementing quality property management strategies can give you both confidence and peace of mind.

Once your tenants have moved into your rental home, it can be difficult to know for certain if new arrivals are visiting or if they plan on moving in permanently. That is why the best way to head off this problem is to practice prevention plans and early detection, you will be better off preparing than waiting for problems to happen.

A good prevention plan for unauthorized renters includes four important tasks:

  1. Your leasing process should establish a thorough screening of all prospective tenants. Anyone over the age of 18 should be subject to a background check, regardless of their relationship to the primary renter.
  2. It’s important to sign only quality tenants with a solid rental and income history and good references. Prior landlords and references should be contacted and interviewed, taking careful note of any warning signs in their past behavior or failure to uphold the terms of an agreement.
  3. Quality leases with complete, specific language about unauthorized tenants should be used. Such a lease can address any anticipated risks or other major issues, and lay out clear expectations about who is allowed to live in the home and for how long.
  4. Regular property evaluations are necessary to ensure that the terms of the lease are being met. More than anything else, knowing that they are being checked up on may help your renter stay vigilant in holding to the agreement they made with you.

This part of the business can be tedious and overwhelming and not unless you have the right people and resources on your side, it can even cost you a lot. Streamline your Breezy Point rental property leasing process by calling Real Property Management Deluxe. We can supervise the leasing process from start to finish, guaranteeing that every renter in your rental homes is the best possible choice. Please contact us online or call us at 218-454-7962 for more information.